Our Review Process
Developing the most In-depth Review Process
There are thousands of different services and software offered by companies across the world. Most of them have put up a lot of thought in establishing the services and maintaining them for the benefit of their customers.
Competition in this field is drastically increasing each day and new and better features are being introduced every day.
All of these services or software may or may not be ideal for you. As there are so many options available in the market, you may have to spend a lot of your time to know which one is the best for your requirements.
And as you know, time is precious. Here is when we come into play.
We here provide our readers with detailed reviews of the services, softwares, online courses and other popular categories as requested by our readers.
Not only the reviews, but we also offer you verified discount codes using which you get heavy discounts on popular platforms.
We help you know which services are legit, which ones would be ideal for you by sharing the details of their motive, features, pricing, pros and cons, alternatives, and many more.
Here is how we do all our reviews and help you take a decision:
1. Expert-made Review:
Many review websites take opinions from those who do not have any prior technical knowledge or experience with the web or have never used the website.
This makes the review unworthy of your time. Such reviews are next to nothing as most of them have no correct opinion that they can give you.

For example – someone who does not know what WordPress is and writes reviews on WordPress Hosting. Does that make any sense?
To avoid this, we only provide our readers with reviews written by experts. The person who writes the review personally uses and tests a particular platform, making him/her understand the pros and cons, the customer service experience, their pricing plans, and all the key features they include.
These experts are all from a technical background, primarily successful engineers and businessmen who spend a significant part of their time using these services.
2. We gather data from various genuine sources and score them accordingly:
Data taken from a single source may or may not be accurate. That is why it is essential to choose data from genuine sources only.
We here double-check our review sources. Most of the information that we collect and provide in the review is either collected from the company’s official website, or the expert writer has personally experienced it.
In case of any doubts, we call the customer service of the official website and gather information and solve our doubts from their representative, making our information solid and accurate.
3. Each platform is tested by us individually:
As you may know, there is a huge difference between features mentioned on the website and real usage experience. When you actually use a product, you realize how good it is in the case of read user experience, and what are the things that need improvements.
What is the point of a review article if you cannot tell readers about the Pros and Cons of a particular product.
Along with this, many more aspects should be considered before moving ahead towards spending on a service.
Here, we test every platform individually by purchasing their subscription plans, each one of them.
All this testing is done with various tools and technical experts only who are using that or similar platforms for a couple of years.
4. We go through collect thousands of testimonials and genuine users reviews:
We consider it essential to know what it is like to use a product by a common user who doesn’t have much technical knowledge. Identifying certain issues or bugs in a product can be a bit tricky for experts as they use it just for testing purposes.
That is why our teams look for testimonials and real user reviews. Testimonials can say a lot about a product or service.
Our team reads through a ton of testimonials or reviews written by many users (which are in hundreds and sometimes even thousands) for each platform we review. These testimonials are thoroughly read and rechecked by our expert team.
For example, a testimonial says ‘a lot of hidden charges. Our team will look for all the hidden charges on that particular platform and include the testimonial and the details of the hidden charges in the review.
More the testimonials, the more accurate our review will be.
5. We create the most detailed reviews:
Details are important.
We do not have any restrictions with the word limits. Although we try to include as many facts as possible in the simplest way possible, the reviews can be as long as required.
Details and insights are of the utmost importance to us. We believe that everything regarding a product must be there in our review and presented to the readers.
Apart from the features, many things have to be considered in a review, like what the platform is all about, how does the platform work, pros and cons, ease of use, pricing, alternatives, frequently asked questions, and many more.
There must be no restrictions for reviews, is what we believe. That is why we do not leave out even a single detail in our reviews.
6. Offering comparisons between major competing platforms:
Many platforms in the market offer a particular service. Most of them have similar features and very few differences that can only be detected with detailed analysis.
For this, we first make a list of these platforms, make detailed reviews about them, and compare each one of them.
It is a tedious task to find out the slight differences and understand which one is superior. And this is where we come in.
Our comparisons are detailed and well researched. We believe that readers must choose the best service which is ideal for their requirements.
Our detailed comparisons will allow you to select the right platform for you efficiently.