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James Suckling Masterclass Review [Year]- Is It Worth Your Money??

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James Suckling Masterclass


I tried the James Suckling Masterclass and it's great! The lessons are easy for beginners and teach a lot about wine. I learned how to taste wine and know more about different wines now. The lessons are fun and easy to follow. Plus, I can learn anytime at home and keep using the course whenever I want.

Out of 10


  • Expert-led wine education.
  • Beginner-friendly content.
  • Practical tasting tips included.
  • Engaging, interactive lessons.
  • Comprehensive wine knowledge coverage.


  • Wines are of high-budget (over $50)
  • Style id Documentary rather than lecture-based


Price: $ 180

Hey everyone! Today, I’m super excited to share my thoughts on the James Suckling Masterclass. If you’re like me, always curious about wines but not really sure where to start, this review is for you.

I’ve always enjoyed a good glass of wine, but figuring out the difference between a Merlot and a Cabernet? That was a bit beyond me.

So, when I heard about James Suckling’s Masterclass, I thought, “Why not give it a try?” This class promised to teach the basics and more about wine straight from a pro.

I wanted to see if it could turn a casual wine lover like me into someone who can talk about wine with confidence. So, let’s dive into what this Masterclass is all about and whether it’s worth your time and money. Spoiler alert: I learned a lot more than just the difference between reds and whites!

james suckling masterclass review

Bottom Line Upfront: Do you love wine?

James Suckling is a world-renowned wine critic and Master of Wine, with over 40 years experience in tasting wines.

He has tasted more than 200,000 wines to date and his knowledge will be on full display at the James Suckling Masterclass. This event is perfect for anyone who wants to learn about the stories behind each bottle or just enjoy some delicious Tuscan food paired with amazing Italian wines.

James Suckling Masterclass Review

You’ll have an opportunity to explore the vineyards of Tuscany while learning from one of the most knowledgeable people in this industry.

The James Suckling Masterclass is a go-to opportunity for every single one of you who are interested in Wine appreciation! Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime chance! Sign up today!

Click here and enroll for James Suckling masterclass

James Suckling Masterclass Summary

Details Information
📚 Course Name James Suckling Masterclass
👨‍🏫 Instructor(s) James Suckling
⏱️ Class Length 11 video lessons (2 hours 22 minutes)
🍷 Category Food, Home & Lifestyle
🎯 Who is this Course for Lovers of wine, fans of James Suckling, and those seeking wine knowledge. Less suited for complete beginners expecting a how-to guide​.
⏰ Time Duration 2 hours and 22 minutes
🌟 Rating 8.5 out of 10 (Based on user’s original information)
💲 Pricing Individual Masterclass courses are available for $90 each. For $180 a year, they also offer an All-Access Pass with unlimited access to all courses​​​​​.
👍 Overall Experience A rare opportunity to learn appreciation from James Suckling himself, with ample demonstrations and a detailed workbook. Suitable for those with some wine knowledge, but offering something for everyone​.

James Suckling Masterclass Overview

James Suckling is considered one of the “most powerful wine critics in the world” and has tasted more than 200,000 wines over the last 40 years.

At his Masterclass tasting, James travels through the legendary Tuscan vineyards and teaches you to explore the stories and the hidden characters behind each bottle.


James Suckling, a critic of influential wine, Masterclass, entered a survey course of 11 lessons on wine videos on topics such as the influence of winemaking with tasting techniques and conservation.

Deepen your knowledge of the properties of each sip, cultivate your passion, and choose, order, and combine wines with confidence.

James Suckling Masterclass Review [Year] – Wine Appreciation

“Wine is a unique product because when you think about what other consumer product in the world has a special place on the planet for a particular one? Can find the time, “says Suckling.

“I want to show you how to enjoy wine and what to drink. Wine is to stay with your friends, enjoy the moment, and learn something new.”

James Suckling teaches wine appreciation, which is a brilliant masterclass. In this course, you do not learn to cook but to enjoy wine.

James Suckling Masterclass Review

You learn techniques such as tasting techniques, conducting a blind test, the main factors influencing the vineyard, and much more.

Next, discover an exclusive excerpt from James Suckling’s Masterclass review, in which he shares his advice on aging bottles in his basement.

James Suckling Masterclass – Lesson Plan

It is not one of the longest, but it is definitely one of the most comprehensive Masterclass courses I have come across to date.

For most of the world, Wine appreciation is not an art, but James Suckling definitely treats it as one!

In just 11 nicely organized lessons, Suckling explains so many new and interesting aspects of wine appreciation that arouse a new curiosity in the viewers. 


In this introduction to Wine Appreciation, you’ll get a sense of who James Suckling is exactly and why he’s the most suitable instructor for the role, as well as foreground how wine appreciation can contribute to an enhanced and fulfilled life.

Tasting Techniques: Conducting a Blind Tasting

In Tasting Techniques, James provides insights into the 100-point scale method that he uses to measure a given wine’s consistency.

You can also learn how to improve your palate and differentiate decent wine from great wine — even if you don’t know how much it costs a bottle or where it comes from.

James Suckling Masterclass - search material

Discerning Flavors and Aromas: Student Tasting Experience

Here, you’ll learn how to smell, taste, and talk properly about the various flavors and aromas in any given bottle of wine. This class will be crucial to learning proper phrasing, common characteristics, and different varietals that will get you talking in no time as a wine expert.

Meet the Maker: An Introduction

Meet the Maker An Introduction

James shares the stage in Meet the Maker with the winemaker behind the historic Antinori Marchesi. In this class, you can gain valuable insights into the role of the winemaking family in the production of the legendary Tignanello Super Tuscan.

Appreciation on Location, Part 1: A Vertical Tasting

In this lecture, James will speak to you about Tignanello’s vertical tasting and what exactly to look for when comparing wine vintages — all the way down to how year-over-year soil and environment vary.

Appreciation on Location, A Vertical Tasting

  • Appreciation on Location, Part 2: Barrel Tasting

If you have ever had the opportunity to visit a vineyard or winery, you would probably be familiar with the idea of barrel degustation. James will share in this lesson the distinctions to pay attention to while drinking from a bottle and what to look for to determine the quality of a wine.

Primary Factors of Influence: In the Vineyard


In order to help you understand the power of the vineyard, James will guide you through the importance of viticulture and how soil, climate, varietals, and area can each play a very important role in the characteristics of a wine.

Storing and Curating: A Home Cellar

Now that you’ve mastered wine tasting and appreciation, James can teach you exactly how to store and cure your home cellar — including how to age essential bottles properly and what wines you can trustfully pick.

Education and Etiquette: Reading a Wine List

In a bar or restaurant, even the most experienced wine lovers will struggle to get through the wine list.

In this lesson, James and legendary winemaker Lamberto Frescobaldi will help you decode the wine list of the restaurant while walking through the proper etiquette to order wine in a restaurant.

James Suckling Masterclass Review- testing drink

Breaking the Rules of Pairings: A Tuscan Luncheon

In the final lesson, James shares how to combine unusual foods with wine — with the premise being that bending the wine pairing “rules” (within reason!) would result in the best combinations of flavors.


James concludes his Masterclass wine appreciation by remembering the main elements of drinking wine and the takeaways he hopes his students will walk away with.

Highlight sections of James Suckling Masterclass!

In his Masterclass, James walks through the vineyards of legendary Tuscany and imparts to you the stories, characters, and stories that delve deep behind each bottle.

Highlight sections of James Suckling Masterclass!

Your knowledge of the properties of each sip, cultivate your passion, choose, sort, and play wine with confidence.

The course also promises a guide to download wine and the opportunity to answer “questions chosen by students” by the teacher.

The Vineyard

This first video was fascinating. Interestingly, it was not about tasting wine.

Instead, you will be informed about the vineyard and the conditions needed to grow the perfect grape.

For example, James shares information about why the grapes are so good in areas of low rainfall.

The Vineyard

It also explains how placing stones around the base of the vine reflects the sun and absorbs heat, keeping the roots warm. Both are good for grapes.

Then, he emphasizes the role that the following factors play in the quality of the grapes and, thus, of the wine:

  • The floor
  • Drain
  • Weather
  • Pests and diseases
  • Selection of the vine
  • Training the vine
  • Tasting book by James Suckling

Interestingly, in this lesson, I learned the book of exercises the most. The video lesson was interesting, but the written information was clearer and easier to understand.

I especially liked the section with the terms. It helped me understand what James said.

Therefore, I recommend that you download it before watching the video. If you do it before each video, you can make the most of the course.

James Suckling Masterclass Review - teach lesson

What is a wet dog in a phone booth?

Of course, James uses tasting terms during this course. It takes a while to get used to it. You may not understand what you are talking about before you start tasting the wines, and remember one of the adjectives you use. Then, things will click more.

My favorite term was “a wet dog in a phone booth.”

I hope this is an experience you will never experience because if you try, you have to return the wine. This usually means that the grapes used to make the wine have some kind of fungal infection.

James Suckling Masterclass Review - story in every bottle

The wine quality system of one hundred points is explained.

James Suckling uses a special wine-tasting system. He explains it in detail during his masterclass.

I really cannot fully share the system here, as I’m pretty sure and James would not be very happy if I did that. But I can tell you that this classification system is very easy to understand and apply.

The class focusing on Tuscany, which opens today, is the first break of the master class in the world of wine.

Sucking, the so-called Rating Scale Wine 100 points and Forbes magazine helped “create one of the most powerful wine criticisms of the world,” creating their tasting techniques and explaining how to identify different flavor profiles while displaying flavors, discussing unconventional combinations of food and drink, Wine and travel through remote areas of the Tuscan wine region, offering all the tools you need to read a wine list with confidence and develop your own winery at home.

James 100 100-point system is another valuable lesson that he will learn. This is an incredible technique that helps you understand the wine better. The best part is that it is very easy to learn and apply in your daily life.

How do you organize your own blind tasting?

In this section of the class, James explains how everything is set up to compare a variety of wines. It was interesting to hear that James does not like the whole blind wine.

But for someone who has just started, it’s really a great way to focus on what’s in the glass.

Wine-tasting techniques explained

This section of the course contains two pretty long videos. The first is an introduction to the tasting, followed by a brief tasting with your child. It’s good, but to be honest, I’ve lost a bit this round.

It was interesting to see how he and his son enjoyed the wines, but I really did not understand what he wanted to teach me. The words made sense, but I did not have enough experience with tasting to see what he was describing.

Interestingly, the second video, in which he tried a selection of wines with some of his students, made a lot more sense to me. I understood the need to recognize the flavors that grew in your mouth.

Of course, once you take a sip, you can try something right away. After one second, you can choose the next flavor, followed by several others. Now, as I try a new wine, I pay more attention to how the taste develops in my mouth, and that’s why I appreciate it a lot more.

Again, the best tips are really included in the workbook. For example, the good order for a wine-tasting sparkling wine, followed by white, pink, and finally red.

Also interesting were the student’s questions.

It also explains little things, like why many modern wines do not have a very deep color. What he thinks about wines with a screw cap and why it was so interesting.


Meet a winemaker

In this video, James Albiera introduces Antinori, who currently heads the Marchesi Antinoro Srl and is one of the country’s oldest winemakers. Wine has been produced here since the 13th century.

This is his legendary Tignanello Super Toscano, which James tried out in this video.

One bottle per decade. A method called vertical tasting. This proved to be an interesting way to follow the evolution of this famous wine.

In this video, you will understand how changing weather conditions and consumer tastes affect the finish of the wine.

The attention to detail is incredible. For example, more weeds when the rain does not arrive, so the vines have access to more nutrients trapped in the soil. Or by using different types of vats depending on the age of the vines.

Tasting in a barrel

This section explains the role of oak barrels in the production of wines. In this video, James tests the wine directly from the barrel.

Creation of a warehouse.

For me, it was by far the most informative part of the course. In this section, James discusses:

  • What is the right temperature to keep the wine?
  • What is the right humidity for the wine?
  • How to organize your wines.
  • Which wines should you put in your cellar?
  • What should be considered when buying wines for your winery?
  • How to decide when to drink wine.
  • How do I read a wine list?

In this video, you will learn how to read a wine list and select a wine for the table. To do it well, you need enough memory.

For example, if you remember that a red Burgundy 2015 is excellent, you can limit your options and avoid catastrophes.

However, my memory is not very good, and I think that, as James suggests, I’ll go through the wine list online before going to the restaurant. It makes sense to plan for the future, especially if

party style

Combine food and wine.

I was a little disappointed with this section. It was not big enough. With luck, James will create a course on the topic of associating wine with different types of wine.

Many other senior instructors have produced more than a master class when James could. This is one of the reasons why I have invested in one of your complete access badges.

This part of the course is specifically about the selection of wines for a Tuscan lunch.

The only advice I got in this section of the video was to forget the color of the wine. It is not necessary to use only white wine to eat fish. I will also try more red wines with spicy food.

James Suckling Masterclass Review - search correct one

You spend a lot of money on wine.

This section also contains information about the emerging wine regions and some of the latest vintages.

Buy wines by the glass.

That’s an interesting idea. We will definitely try the restaurants that sell in the glass.

You pay more, but it’s a great way to reliably identify a bottle of wine that tastes good with your meal.

In addition, some companies offer wine tours. Three very small glasses of wine with which you can taste a few bites.

An even more reliable way to select the right wine and a great way to sample and experience more wines.

James Suckling Masterclass Review - Pick perfect one

My look at James’ Masterclass in viticulture

In general, I liked this course. It is very difficult to teach wine tasting with written words and videos. So, I probably expected too much from this course.

I learned a lot, but not as much as I would have liked the wine. However, the course made me think and encouraged me to buy and enjoy more wine.

No doubt, we will make more visits to vineyards and maybe even join a wine-tasting club if we find one in our area.

James Suckling’s Masterclass Workbook

In this master class, the coursebook is essential to really understand what James is teaching you.

In this book, you can find a list of different words for sampling, descriptions of Italy’s various wine regions, the types of shades, the flavors the wine may have, and several other items.

You can also find a list of all the wines used in this Masterclass in this book so you can fully appreciate the lesson.

James Suckling Masterclass Review - graphs works

James Suckling Masterclass Pricing Plans

Individual Masterclass courses are available for $ 90 each. For $ 180 a year, they also offer a pass for all accesses with unlimited access to all courses, including culinary experience chefs such as Thomas Keller,

Wolfgang Puck and Alice Waters, in addition to photography classes taught by Annie Leibovitz, Courses of Interpretation with Helen Mirren, and fashion classes with Marc Jacobs.


There are two ways by which you can purchase a Masterclass: a single Masterclass and an All-Access Pass for any of the gurus on the platform.

  • Single Masterclass: $90
  • All-Access Pass: $180 per year

James Suckling Masterclass Student Reviews

James Suckling Masterclass Review

I love this. Any way we could get a MasterClass on bourbon and scotch too?  -A fellow student

Loved. loved, loved this wine class! I wish I had taken this class before my husband and I went to Italy. Being a wine concierge at our Tasting Room I also learned how to answer customers questions in a more refined way and make them feel less apprehensive, open to try wines they never would have thought of tasting. Thank you, James!  -Susan M.

James Suckling Masterclass Reddit

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byu/zoomiewoop from discussion

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FAQs | James Suckling Masterclass Review

🤔What is the Masterclass?

MasterClass is the streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by 100+ of the world’s best.

🔥Does James Suckling Masterclass Provide Workbook ?

As is usual in Masterclass courses, you will receive a workbook as part of the transaction.

🙋‍♂️Does James Suckling Masterclass Provide Refund?

A 30-day money-back guarantee is also available for any of the Dominique Ansel Masterclass Review packages you purchase and you will get a complete refund of the amount in case you are not satisfied with their services.

👉How long are James Suckling Masterclass ?

James Suckling Masterclass provide 11 video lessons (2h 22m)

🤷‍♀️ Who is James Suckling?

James Suckling is considered one of the “most powerful wine critics in the world” and has tasted more than 200,000 wines over the last 40 years.


Several factors make this Masterclass important for any gourmet lover. We all know the association of a large glass of wine with a good dish is important.

However, it’s sometimes impossible to choose a good bottle of wine because of the many options on the market.

Through this Masterclass, you won’t become an expert and wine-maker right away, but you will learn a lot of stuff that will help you become one.

Aishwar Babber

Aishwar Babber is a passionate blogger and a digital marketer. He loves to talk and blog about the latest tech and gadgets, which motivates him to run GizmoBase. He is currently practicing his digital marketing, SEO, and SMO expertise as a full-time marketer on various projects. He is an active investor in AffiliateBay. You can find him on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

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