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Is Parasite SEO Legit? Everything You Need To Know

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You may have come across the term “Parasite SEO” while doing your research on how to optimize your website for better search engine ranking. But what exactly is it?

In short, parasite SEO is a black hat SEO technique that involves creating low-quality websites with the sole purpose of ranking high in search engine results for specific keywords.

So, is it legit? In short, no.

Parasite SEO is not a legitimate way to improve your website’s ranking. In fact, if you’re caught using this technique, you could be penalized by Google and other search engines. So, what are some legitimate ways to improve your website’s ranking? Keep reading to find out!

Parasite SEO is a type of black hat SEO that relies on piggybacking off of the authority of an already established website. The goal of parasite SEO is to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs) for keywords that are relevant to the established website.

Parasite SEO can be achieved in a number of ways, but the most common method is to create a blog post or web page that is optimized for a specific keyword and then link back to the established website.

The thinking behind this strategy is that the linking website will benefit from the authority of the established website, and as a result, will be more likely to rank highly in SERPs.

There are two main ways to do Parasite SEO: link building and guest blogging.

With link building, you reach out to other websites and ask them to add a link to your website on their site. This can be done by adding your website to their directory, exchanging links with another website, or writing a guest blog post and including a link back to your site.

Guest blogging is when you write a blog post for another website in exchange for a link back to your own website. This is a great way to get exposure for your website on high-quality websites. However, you need to be careful with this method as Google has cracked down on guest blogging in recent years and may penalize your site if they think you’re doing it purely for SEO purposes.

How to Tell if a Website is Using Parasite SEO?

parasite seo
Source: YouTube

There are several red flags that can indicate that a website is using Parasite SEO. If you see any of the following on a website, it’s likely that the site is engaging in black hat SEO techniques:

1. The site has very little original content. Instead, it consists mostly of copied and pasted content from other sources.
2. The site contains little to no information about the company or individual who owns it.
3. The site has a large number of low-quality backlinks from spammy websites.
4. The site’s sole purpose seems to be getting traffic from organic search results (i.e., there are no other ways to navigate the site).
5. The site attempts to hide its identity by using techniques such as cloaking or redirecting traffic from known spammer IP addresses.
6. The site uses doorway pages, which are pages that are designed solely for the purpose of ranking highly in search engine results pages (SERPs).
7. The site engages in link farms, which are groups of websites that link to each other in order to artificially inflate their link popularity.
8. The site participates in keyword stuffing, which is the practice of cramming as many keywords into the content as possible in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings.
9. The site employs sneaky redirects, which redirect users from one page on the site to another without their knowledge or consent.
10. The site uses bait-and-switch tactics, which involve publishing misleading titles or descriptions in order to get users to click on a result that takes them somewhere other than where they expected to go.

Best Ways To Avoid Parasite SEO? 

So, what are some legitimate ways to improve your website’s ranking? Keep reading to find out!

Quality Content

One of the most important things you can do to improve your website’s ranking is to create high-quality content. This means writing well-researched, informative articles that are relevant to your niche.

Not only will this help your website rank higher in search engine results, but it will also make people want to visit your website again and again.

To write quality content, you first need to know who your target audience is. Once you know who you’re writing for, you can tailor your content to their needs and interests. Quality content is also well-researched and free of errors. If you want people to take your website seriously, make sure everything on your site is accurate and up-to-date.


Another important factor in SEO is backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites that link back to yours. Having a lot of backlinks signals to search engines that your website is popular and trustworthy—two things that will definitely help your website rank higher in search results.

To get backlinks, you can reach out to other webmasters and ask them to link to your site. You can also guest post on other blogs or participate in forums so that people become familiar with you and your website. When you leave comments on other people’s blog posts or forum threads, be sure to include a link back to your own site so that people can find it easily.


If you want to improve your website’s ranking, stay away from black hat SEO techniques like parasite SEO. Not only is this technique not effective, but it can also get you penalized by Google and other search engines. Instead, focus on creating quality content and building backlinks so that people will naturally want to visit your site. With a little effort and patience, you’ll see those rankings start to improve in no time!

Also read: Best SEO Hacks To Rank Website

Diksha Dutt

A graduate of the IIMC, Diksha enjoys talking about self-growth and online learning platforms. Diksha has a passion for education and entrepreneurship, and she has been involved in both fields for over a decade. She aims to help others make more informed decisions about the best online resources, courses, and education platforms. She writes about online learning platforms and online courses on, where she reviews and recommends the best resources for different skill levels and goals. When Diksha is not working, she enjoys reading books, playing chess, and traveling with her husband and two kids. You can follow her on LinkedIn and FaceBook.

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