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How To Submit Site To Google News 2024? PRO Tips

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Here we will learn How To Submit a Site To Google News?

Google news is one platform you can’t miss to get noticed on if your site is even distantly related to news on this planet.

And that’s the reason I’m writing this piece about How to submit a site to google news! A detailed piece with all the guidelines and terms to get you listed.

Why? Well because getting featured on Google news, without doubt, means a hell of a lot of traffic for your blog, not just traffic you’re going to have increased reputation and authority and of course can’t miss the credibility out.

So submitting your site to Google Press Release? I’d say that’s a good decision. And that’s exactly what this piece is about.

Google Press Release - How To Submit Site To Google News

How are Google News Websites Indexed?

Okay so here’s the thing, Google News, just like the Google search engine, has its crawl bots no doubt. But there’s a bit of difference in the functioning of these two bots.

The normal Google bots take up just about any site into consideration and crawl it, right? Well, that’s now how Google news bots work.

Instead, Google News bots crawl only those websites that have been approved on the crawled. So in short, you’ve to be on the list to get crawled.

And that’s exactly what I’ll be covering, on how to get crawled by the google news website bots.

Requirements To Get Featured On the Google News Website:-

Of course, they’re strict about this. So just heading over to them and sending an E-mail out saying “Hey Google News! I’ve awesome content, please index me” won’t work!

  • News Related Website: Okay this goes without saying. Google “NEWS” is all about news, isn’t it? So posting “how to get your website ranked” won’t work with it. The content has to be purely related to NEWS.
  • Authority: They demand authority. For eg. writing about the Stock market when you don’t know shit about it won’t work. And they can figure out when you’re an expert, and when a wanna-be. So don’t try to Cheat Google news, instead, post pieces on topics you’re seriously good with.
  • Ease of Reading:  Google takes user experience pretty seriously, so of course you have to make sure that there’s clear spacing between your lines and words. Also, the font color, hyperlink colors, hover colors and everything else needs to be pitch-perfect!
  • Design: – Starting a blog on with the traditional themes won’t work. Instead, you need a professional website with professional themes and plugins. Oh and don’t miss out on the speed factor. Don’t stress on the “design” if your server can’t take the load. Google “might” excuse design but if it takes forever to load, you aren’t getting anywhere near Google news

URL Structure:-

Not just the content, Google takes the appearance of your website pretty seriously too.

  • URL:  The post URLs need to be “unique” and “descriptive”. Even if you can’t make them always descriptive, at least make sure they’re unique. If the same URL appears anywhere else on the internet, forget getting featured.
  • Re-directions:  If you do change your URLs for some reason, make sure they’re properly redirected to the new address. You can use 301 redirections to counter this problem.
  • Numbers: No matter what, don’t forget to include a “reasonable-logical” number in your URLs.

Plugins You’ll be Needing:-

Okay, these plugins aren’t demanded officially by Google. But the terms and conditions which are demanded by it can be easily fulfilled with the help of the following plugins and hence I’m including them over in this piece.

BWP Google XML Sitemaps:-

It’s the short form of “Better WordPress XML” Sitemaps. Well, what it does is, creates a specific sitemap for Google News!

Every time you write a new piece; it will add it to that specific sitemap, and then ping Google news to tell it “Hey! I’ve just published a new piece”.

Also, you can highly customize it from the settings. You can choose the categories you want to be included in the sitemaps, the language you want to use, and whatnot.

Yoast NEWS SEO:-

Yoast NEWS SEO - How To Submit Site To Google News

It’s like the “advanced” version of the Yoast plugin. Only that it’s customized to get you featured on Google news!

It lets you choose keywords, set genres, and do lots of other things to help you write better “news” pieces.

How to Submit Site to Google News:-

So if you’ve followed the above guidelines and terms carefully, you by now are almost ready with your article, right? Something worth submitting to Google News?

So let’s get to the exciting part, on how exactly to submit your piece to Google News.

publisher center

Just head over to Google News Publisher Center and submit your site.

Done! That was all folks.

Quick Links

Final Words:-How To Submit Site To Google News?

So hey, if you wondered How to submit a site to google news, it ain’t that hard, right? But it ain’t everyone’s cup of tea either. The only thing is, you need to strictly follow the rules and terms from Google to get your shit done successfully!

That’s the reason I included those plugins to help you out; now you might not always know what’s good readable content, right? Yoast’s Flesch score tells you that. It also tells you the appropriate length of the URL and its optimization and lots of other things.

So bottom line? Follow what’s discussed in this piece strictly, and you won’t have problems getting on the Google News Website.


Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja WordPress Plugin, prior to SchemaNinja he is the founder of many internet marketing blogs, and He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer. Jitendra Vaswani is also a frequent speaker & having 8+ yrs experience of in the Digital Marketing field. Check out his portfolio( Find him on Twitter, & Facebook.

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